the concept

the concept

The idea came from some friends, Lucy Jason & George, who were back home briefly & raved about a chef in London's East End...
I thought it was such a good idea, the best thing to do would be to bring it to life here where I live in New Zealand.
So...I'm also a freelance chef, each week I cook a different dish, depending on what's in season, what's good now, or just how I feel. Lately I've been cooking a lot of my mother's dishes

Dish descriptions will be posted here online early in the week, recipes later over the weekend, with links to: & http:/!/pabloskitchen

As I play with the idea through the week, the dish maybe evolves a little, but that's half the fun. Meals will be priced at $20, incl delivery & orders can be made anytime up to roughly lunchtime Thursday, which is when I go shopping. Simply get in touch, email or txt, you can order as many as you like!
Afternoon Friday I'll deliver dinnerboxes warm/cooling/cold, locally in & around my base, which admittedly does change a bit - currently I'm north of Auckland, living by the beach in Mangawhai (just let me know where you are when you get in touch).

tel: 021 676 123

I've recently included an email subscription option at the bottom of this page &, while I have no idea how it works, the hope is that it automatically sends to subscribers email notifications each week about the, sign up!

From time to time, when the wanderlust takes over, I hit the road & disappear in search of dishes, tastes & ingredients elsewhere. Then this blog takes on a different kind of persona; a travelling recipe book of notes, pics & stories, ideas to inspire & for me to return to, once I get back home.

Tuesday 1 May 2012

fri04may: bulgogi, beef chargrilled, toasted sesame seeds, steamed vegetables, rice

cook-a-cow, continued 
this week's cut: sirloin
The sirloin is one of the better cuts of beef, tender & versatile, along the loin, before the round. Sirloin cooks nicely with roasting or cooked grilled, as over embers, bbq'd. In basic terms, in terms of quality, & cost for that matter, the sirloin sits nicely between fillet & rump. A favourite cut for me.

This week's dish is inspired by the chef at Austins, Cobus Klopper, who tried this dish while on holiday in Korea, adapted the recipe somewhat & has introduced it to the Austins catering menus. I enjoy cooking with the Austin's brigade, prepping & cooking Cobus' menus, good flavours & always something interesting happening. However, I'm not familiar with Korean cuisine at all, so this dish has been a great little discovery for me. 

A little research revealed my ignorance: CNN rates it 23rd most delicious food in the world (so it must be true, right??) & according to Wikipedia, lucky Koreans have been munching the dish since as early as 67BC!! Crazy to think that Jesus, on his fabled journey to Japan during the unaccounted for years leading up to His ministry, might have landed upon a Korean shore, a transit stop perhaps, possibly maybe even have partaken in bulgogi delights for a last supper, Asian style! 

Bulgogi is Korean street food, there are bulgogi fast food shops even. Bulgogi is a culinary institution on the menus of the land. Now, putting forward what could be considered a convincing claim for a higher ranking in the top 50, this dish has found favour & recognition in fridaynightdinnerbox fashion: true greatness & the pinnacle of success. It would seem, after so long, the time has come for Bulgogi to take that giant leap to fame.

The beef is cut thinly & marinated overnight, nashi pears, soy, onions... Cooked quickly, it will be served over rice, the marinade reduced, toasted sesame, steamed vegetables honey & sour.

Your part is simple: get in touch by thursday afternoon, cos that's when i go shopping, & tell me how many you'd like.
Drop-offs from 4pm onwards, to the office/site/home just let me know what suits.
To order, contact me by txt or email
txt: 021 2414 020
email: (subject heading: “fridaynightdinnerbox”)
& I’ll confirm your order when received.
talk to you soon…
cheers - Pablo

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